And we’re back, kind of

I don’t know what is going on. This will mark the second day in a row where I’ve spent hours typing out my thoughts only to have them deleted in the end. I used to be so confident in what I wrote. I could write about anything and didn’t care.  I don’t know what is going on.  I get half way through and think this is garbage. No one wants to read this shit. Then I get upset and I’m not even sure of what I’m typing anymore. Most of the time how I prepare an entry is to just type. I just write and write until one of two things happens. I look back and see my word count is over 40000 or I feel that I’ve hit all the marks I wanted to.  Then I go back and edit, removing 75% of what I wrote to try and make it somewhat concise. Despite what you may sometimes think, I do try to get my words to flow smoothly, like an A to Z kind of concept. Well recently it’s been like A to 378. That doesn’t even make sense and that’s how my writing has been going! It’s awful. I think I’m putting too much thought behind what I’m trying to say and I’ve never been a good thinker. Well actually I’m plenty good at thinking. I think constantly. Being in my brain is like being in a fun house of mirrors. Your appearance is goofy to begin with but move ever so slightly and you go from looking like Shrek to a bite size version of yourself. It’s twisted and you should count your blessings that you’re not part of this circus that is my brain. So that’s where I’ve been and what I’ve been struggling with. I’m hoping now that I’ve acknowledged my issue that I’ll be able to pick up where I left off, trusting and believing in what I’m writing.

Cute puppy distraction!

Brain farts suck



You know what irks me, when people write about other blogs grammar irking them.  You have no idea. I want to reach through my computer and love tap them. Who are you to call out someone else on their grammar? Unless you’re a master linguist or teaching a writing class, it’s none of your damn business how someone else chooses to write. Maybe they’re not as educated as you, that doesn’t make their blog any less important.  So, you know what, YOU IRK ME! You people out there wasting whole posts on complaining about other bloggers writing. Don’t read the blog then, because the post probably wasn’t meant to reach you. It’s meant to reach the people who can look past the poor grammar and find a deeper message. It’s meant to help the blogger share what’s on his/her mind that day. IT IS NOT meant to be critiqued like this is high school English all over again. Last time I checked, which was this morning, this is a free country. People are free to choose how they write, when they write and where they write. In the future when find yourself “irked” with someone’s writing remember it’s not  meant for you to grade, approve, or judge. It’s there for the owner. It’s there to maybe help make someones day a little bit better, or maybe they’re sharing their beliefs, or possibly they’re just looking for a place to talk. It’s their creative outlet, not yours.  Next time you find yourself so inclined to judge, just move on past because I’m sure that blogger wouldn’t want you reading their post any ways.

Sorry, I had to get that all off my chest. No one has called me out on my poor grammar, so don’t think this has anything to do regarding me.  This is for anyone else out there who may never have excelled at writing. Write freely and openly. Don’t let the idea of people critiquing stop you from delivering your message.


Thank you for letting me vent, run on sentences and all 🙂



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