Support Team

I’ve never hid my debt but I’ve never been completely honest about it either. I let certain people know some information, and others know different information. No one has ever gotten the full raw picture and that includes myself. Well here it is folks, the whole big  damaged ugly picture. I’m in debt and its threatening to swallow me whole if I don’t do something fast. Luckily for me I’m surrounded by people with big hearts and beautiful souls. I have a support team who is rooting for Team Diane over Team Edward or Jacob.  I was afraid for a long time. Afraid of what others might think, afraid of how people would react, but mainly afraid I would become less of a person in their eyes. You cannot be afraid, the ones who love you will be there and the others will still wish you well because no one likes to see someone struggle. This becomes much easier with more people on your side. More people who understand, more people to encourage you from lapsing, more people to comfort you when you’re down. I can’t stress enough the importance of letting those around you know your situation because they will surprise you. Probably even leave you speechless, like in my case.  There are different situations that bring us into debt and the severity level can change but there are others. We are not alone.  We are all dealing with a silent enemy. He cripples spirits and takes self-worth without a second glance, leaving you defeated. I’ve struggled a lot of the time, but with the support team that I know now I have, I know we can all make it. We can’t let the enemy win. I’m convinced our weakness will be what conquerors him, numbers, but for us it will be our strength in numbers. Hug someone you love today because they’re being amazing even when you’re not looking.

Thank you to my team, you’ve made me stronger than I even thought I could be.


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