Progress Puppy – Day 77

"Sup Bitches!"

The sergeant was nice enough to spare a couple of minutes of his time to help update you on the status of my progress. I guess the easiest place to start would be my charts. Dunt-Dunna-Na, that was supposed to be the sound trumpets make, fail.


As you can see, I am slowly making progress, getting my tax return REALLY helped. I paid off two of my cards. I know I said 3 before, and it was 3, until I charged some things to that card. -_- I’ll probably get yelled at but here is my poor excuse. This is a little tiny card credit, I mean its normal size, but the credit limit is only $400. I opened this card to stop me from spending on my other cards, which has worked. Look at the trend for my American Express and Capital cards. I pay off this card almost every month.  I DO NOT recommend this because it’s not a solution. It will, and is slowing my progress down, but there are times when I really need money. I use this card for necessities, groceries being the main point. Like I mentioned before I started a vegan diet and that shit is expensive! I probably should give it up but it makes me happy. I love the way it makes me feel and I am loving the results. Poohy on me, but it’s my reasoning.

I was not completely sold on the idea of charts but now that I’ve created them I see how beneficial they really are. If you’re interested in using my template, click this link > Debt Template. Also you can find some other budget excels HERE. I highly recommend them. Number one rule, be honest with yourself. You do yourself no favors by hiding purchases here and there. Numbers can’t lie unless you’re lying to begin with. You can’t start to make progress until you accept your situation and understand you need to make some changes. If you need help getting started please look at some of my first posts where I outlined the basics for getting out of debt.

I hope for those of you in similar situations, who have been following from the beginning, that you are beginning to see some progress as well. If anyone ever has any questions, or want to know more information, or you just feel like sharing your story, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email address is I will help to the best of my ability and remember no one judges you here. 🙂

Happy Muesday Everyone

I have Friday off, so its already like Tuesday for me.


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