Drum Roll Please

I was surfing the WWW yesterday for other blogs similar to mine. Basically there are none because let’s face it, I’m pretty unique. Most of these people have got their shit together though! Which is just scary because mine is all over the place. The same can be said for me as a person but as a dear friend put it, “I wouldn’t have you any other way.” While I was catching some waves I began to notice a trend, most everyone had acknowledged, in some form or another, the actual dollar amount in debt they were/are.  -_-   I read on one site, the blogger felt that by posting his information it gave him a sense of accountability. This is all hunky dory for some people but for me it’s a big step. No one, except my boyfriend, knows my financial standing. This is a HUGE step but I think I need to take. I don’t know if I’m necessarily ready, but I do need some more accountability.  So here goes nothing, I put it in a chart for easy reading and comprehending.  Plus, it made me look busy at work for .25 seconds.

I'm hoping the colors distracted you from the figures like they did for me

Insert downward trend here

Errr, that kind of makes my heart constrict but it can only get better from here. I will have my Victoria’s Secret, Express, and Chase paid off this month when I receive my tax return. That will leave me with an additional $250 to $300 to put towards the big boys. So, next time my grand total will be lower and my debt chart will not have so much width to it. Then I’ll be on the home stretch. As always, please don’t try to use this information as a weapon against me. I’m acknowledging my problems to help myself and maybe help some others.  Judge if you like, but remember nobody is perfect, even the ones who think they are.

The cat is out of the bag


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mom
    Mar 06, 2012 @ 09:40:25

    For a few, very frightening seconds, I thought you owed $13,187.30 to Victoria Secret.


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